site map...


...gazan holocaust...
...waking up from propaganda's daze...
...easter's resurrection...
...good morning to the dawn!...
...thank you edward snowden!... full support of bradley manning!... full support of wikileaks!...

...for wikileaks and the u.s.a.!...
(plus older stuff below)...

...a world and more of travels... gee...
...innocent air...
...a nose poked on the window pane...
...seems a fine line...
...pitter-patter tip-toes...
...gather 'round the fire boys... much is a moment worth...
...essence warms a welcome mat...
...if i was a bird...



...mother earthen-wear...
...render unto god the truth...
...heaven on earth...
...your attention please... full buck moon...
...summer's soul tis...
...winter's blizzard of beginnings... day...
...christ shows life the greatest love known...
...father's river...
...jesus gave it to me... eve drops in...



...sand... it what life's meant to be?...
...bellyache blues...
...oh that odd-shaped egg... i'm homeless...
...yesterday's news...
...lonely faces waitin' for a smile...
...outside a local venue...
...ask-it bandit basker...



...treasure hunter wonder...
...inner sanctum...
...lovesome... on the wind...
...signs'a the times...
...evermore so...



...inside outside... that land of wherever...
...this vision he had...
...yeah!... let it!...
...that field...
...a weary wind falls sleeping... wear art thou...
...a buncha beats...



...don't know too much...
...faux pas blues...
...fishin' hole'a supper singin'...
...rpm's in '65...
...santa's back pages... (borrowing from bob dylan)...
...a cosmic line... lost in time... small a moth...
...when sunday feels like saturday... written guarantee...
...funny-bone... tree'a branches... jeepers!...
...sunday's funnies in the running...


...anything... lost in that woodland...
...of all the things...
...pine cone perch...
...deafen the head...
...if there came too near...
...wide-awake sleepy eyed... story...
...string-tone phone...
...yepper's yep...
...decoy duckland's petting zoo...



...the peddler...
...a hobo...
...track of time... vest...
...a child's eyes peered...
...relay race...



...right to bear arms...
...paradox of deeds...
...head strong... dead wronged...
...flame fan...
...rock'n'hard place formations...
...stone... i'm coming home...
...a soldier's last breath...
...don't forget our vets...
...grace a place...
...national rage wager...
...soldier's soldier...
...duty's adieu...
...between a tear and a smile...



...power trip grip...
...mind-setting turf ride...
...camel's crown ground...
...spare a prayer...
...thought-bit aught naught...
...a memorial for soldiers...
...a thought's autobiography...
...for iraq veterans against war...
...this used to be a democracy...
...progress...'s fare...
...from a hillside of perception...



...the shade we stood under...
...haulm-spun... of thought...
...passage writes...
...about face...
...each time their hammer's head banged...
...misled pressure levered by today...
...dear misleaders...
...headway announced its battle statistics...



...nowadays basic schooling shouldn't keep fooling itself
without teaching students about illusion...
...why grow up to all of this?...
...ask of others?... ask of ourselves?...
...from among some...'s to armies turning their warplanes...



...a glow...
...a seashell's gps device...
...a thought's appearance interiorly...
...(and over-reading into it won't show it)... legends may go...
...for occupy wall street and all 99%... for thought... tattoo...
...temperature fence...
...a new year...
..."in a sallysense" note of thanks...
...spring forward or fall back...
...where to... my sons...



...a sunday breeze...
...economy's starving hardship...
...mother earthen-wear's original verses...
...outdoor quartets...
...record company blues...
...we flew with the sky...
...decisions to make...
...from one human to another...
...boy in church...
...i am not... i am...
...some at common dreams... charges...


...sallysense's blog...
...a batch of tweets...
...some thought-ables...
...too few cartoons... sallysense...



...found a home between some trees...
..."hear ye!... hear ye!"...
...what happened to good old fair-and-square?... affiliation... quickly a thought plays its brain for a fool... angles on writing...
...riding on the minds of men...
...from tongues that cannot speak for themselves... lobbyist-stock...



...truth won't do disservice...
...mainstream news media...
...political team un-fanfare... full blown illusion...
...on capital punishment...
...current presidency's ambition...
...flight 93's eyewitness plight...
...common-bonded ground...
...self-critique helpfulness...
...for wikileaks and the u.s.a.!... full support of pfc bradley manning!...
...occupy finding...
...corporate greed's earthly hurtfulness...
...corporate greed banking...
...mayor's affairs...



...harvest homecoming...
...truth as is... support of occupy aipac...
...a state's election redistricting?...
...more shortfalls...
...a man of letters...
...when meaninglessness represents we-the-people...
...morning roll call's reveille...
...when meaninglessness no longer rules us...
...the united corporate state's pledge...
...where help keeps itself...
...tradition's family reunion...



...unhealthy health-care unawares...
...humans express...
...around did... fan-fare...
...a way with...
...sequel's bequeathal...
...thought-controlled control freaks...
...the slow death of direct representation...
...keep's sake...
...from children...
...they'll do it 'til we care enough...
...leaders' erroneous efforts...
...directional lines in his mind...
...layers of unfairness beating upon the gaza strip...
...corporate-colony tourways...
...wall street trinity's money-changer iniquities...
...corporate pawn chop shop...
...another mayor affair...
...a spotlight's diversion...
...oath of office profits...
...bootleg divergencies...



...happy holidays in small-scale blue spruce...
...the present day declaration of unfair dependence...

...breeding extinction in our greenhouse...
...too much humanly control out-of-touch...
...i hear you... my brother...
...occupy trends...
...come out comes...
...prejudicial targets for govern-corporate's dart board...
...the 1% supporters...
...think-tank manufacturing...
...(and elsewhere too)...
...minimum wage occupation...



...good morning to the dawn!...
...easter's resurrection...
...a spirit present...
...(and a needed lesson to help children and others)...
...a sincere thank you from america to mr. julian assange!...
...thank you bradley manning and julian assange!... chiefs and congresses and courts... your poor job report...
...the slow death of improvement...
...our only solution is revolution...
...thank you so much for the truth edward snowden!...


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