happy holidays in small-scale blue spruce!...

(i saw a little layout 'round some bluer spruce this year...
it runs along that track of songs behind the engineer...
and underneath an evergreen where branches fasten near...
to form their path to tree trunk rings with music for the ear!)...

there's a tiny village living in that mini yuletide yard...
it's full of local townfolk busy being how they are...
from ground crew kids who never did adventure quite so far...
to distant kin back home again in broader vintage cars!...

on rails nailed over roads a locomotive churns...
engine steam in dream-like state leans into oval turns...
holding onto lantern light as midnight oil burns...
candle wicks flick coiled flames and brighten foil ferns!...

ornamental tinsel drapes all mantel lamppost plates...
while other fringes slumber inside lumber sawed too late...
yet opening quick once forest fir reflects a hinging gate...
to draw tall air space off that shelf which helps to decorate!...

beyond a snow-coned silo spreads the farmer's meadow ark...
where orchard legs on two-fold hooves adhere to glow-in-dark...
and glitter tips flood pine bark wings with scarfs that miss their mark...
begging first impressions left from footprints in the park!...

a smaller scaled trestle bridge ties gantry's hectic span...
bringing time together in that mid-stream clock-wise clan...
hence hands on season's spirit shake to reason bigger plans...
adding up more figurines for cookie cutter pans!...

twilight by a window pane gives quiet touch a shine...
softening mankind's silhouette on truer 'twill's of thine...
then when that choo-choo train pulls out to travel forth so fine...
passengers embrace onboard and pass warmth down the line!...

(i saw a little layout 'round some bluer spruce this year...
it runs along that track of songs behind the engineer...
and underneath an evergreen where branches fasten near...
to form their path to tree trunk rings with music for the ear!)...

the best of wishes’n’ways’n’todays to you’n’yours!... :)

come out comes…

    the present day declaration of unfair dependence...

    when in the course of corporate events...
    it becomes necessary to dissolve a people’s government...
    which had connected democracy between one another...
    and to assume among the power of now greedy coveters...
    a separate unevenhanded station to which...
    common laws get rewritten to enable the rich...
    as this lack of decent respect for mankind’s opinion...
    requires that the upper crust must declare their dominion...
    through some sort of cause which impels them ahead...
    in killing self-evident truths that were once held instead...
    and now all men are not created equal...
    for they are not endowed by the creators of this sequel...
    nor allowed those certain unalienable rights...
    once known as life and liberty and pursuit of delight...
    hence to unsecure citizens’ rightful freedom...
    oppression gets instituted among multiple countrymen...
    deriving its power by rigging feigned consent...
    through handy illusive manipulation of the governed...
    so whenever future reform might obstruct these fixed ends...
    it is the right of slick tyranny to increase unjust amends...
    and to institute further unfairness for people...
    laying its foundation on more devious principles...
    and organizing its powers in such a form...
    as to them shall profit through their own wealthy lords...
    prudence will show that long established corporate influence...
    hates being diminished for the sake of decent congruence...
    and accordingly their experience has shown...
    mankind is more prone to suffer while greed holds the throne...
    than for greed to unseat its own self without outside help...
    since its own groups run abuses and usurpations themselves...
    pursuing as they do the same objects of control...
    evincing a design to reduce commoners through greed’s rule...
    it’s the profiteers’ privilege and duty to see this completed...
    to provide that people’s constitutional rights be also depleted...
    such has been unjustly deeds from previous one-upmanships...
    as much more now too with such similar leadership...
    in proceeding to eliminate truth’s fair and square efforts...
    the current overall history of present government ventures...
    is a collection of repeated unconstitutional events...
    all seeming to have in direct object a goal of establishment...
    of an absolute tyranny that propaganda keeps hidden...
    through uncandid staged facts they submit to us citizens!...



i hear you... my brother...

i hear you my brother...
the chattering...
the thoughts of your mind...
the would-be’s and could-be’s and should-be’s inside...
your voices of how-to and what-if and therefore...
telling you maybe and never and evermore...
all the things you think you know...
only because you’ve been told yourself so...


breeding extinction in our greenhouse...

temperatures climbing up fossil-fueled stalks...
bloated heat grows inside of our greenhouse...
underground roots shoot degrees up life’s wall...
bloated heat grows inside of our greenhouse!...

steamy secretions impeding ice freezing...
flood lopsided land ’neath our greenhouse...
fluids replanted by rich dry-eyed reapings...
flood lopsided land ‘neath our greenhouse!...

human use sprouting ripe vines overcrowding...
close quarters abound in our greenhouse...
losing endurance through undue devouring...
close quarters abound in our greenhouse!...

brutal air beating down full rows of seedlings...
leave broken stems groping our greenhouse...
fields impaired finding room while unyielding...
leave broken stems groping our greenhouse!...

humanized doings without and within...
can kill off the need for this greenhouse...
survival’s chances on branches too thin...
could kill off the need for this greenhouse!...



grand central station...
was bustling with talk...
hustling the brain waves...
onto self trains of thought...
they bought destinations...
under tickets of whim...
as if covered terrain...
laid only for them...

for each scenic view...
from a passenger seat...
became sole ownership...
to the eyes it might meet...
land beared their name...
as all else did as well...
even breezes of air...
were theirs to sell...

when the trips ended...
the heads headed home...
overloaded with baggage...
centered on shoulders alone...
then from long vacant rails...
rose an engineer's sigh...
for not knowing better...
left miles of life die!...


    the 1% supporters…

    you can make all the excuses you want on behalf of or benefiting the 1%…
    and while you do it corporate greed just keeps bleeding our country dry…
    they do this all the time in government and see how much gets done…
    what’s your conscience tell your own self about that bottom line?…
    you may enjoy swimming in superficial muck with the big shots…
    one big dangerous comfort zone for those afraid of change…
    overblown illusion goes nowhere but that’s all they know… and don’t look for me to join in for more of the same…

come out comes…

when unjustness overreaches overtakes or overburdens…
and solutions must come through its victims’ own efforts…
fair-and-square’s common areas shall help folks stand firm…
with leaps and bounds of greater good as chances will return!…


think-tank manufacturing…

    we can pull from a grab bag a world full of answers…
    for those sidetracking matters layered on each bottom line…
    whether purposeful or brainwashed or not knowing any better…
    they tend to evade that prime issue or frame a trade or re-define!…

    it keeps happening these days in a land where corporate advancement…
    uses think-tank manufacturing so folks won’t think for themselves…
    leading people into patsy molds holding lesser self-awareness…
    it feeds ulterior motives when what is needed most is help!…

occupy trends…

new doors can open in a moment for our human common bonds…
they’re here beyond those mindsets mental walls get built upon…
and as we cross these thresholds leaving phoniness behind…
the power-hungry profiteers still need deception to survive!…


minimum wage occupation…

big shots swipe billions off the little guys’ crumbs…
the bottom line can’t lay straight ‘til a fair ratio runs…
and thoughts focused elsewhere won’t change topside malice…
for it takes baseline action to fix that blatant imbalance!…


    prejudicial targets for govern-corporate’s dart board…

    as our government lets more corporate power take over…
    it loses control of itself allowing wealth’s clout to rule…
    law-friendly profiteering fills officials’ great pockets…
    hence our u.s. of a. replaces big bucks’ best tool!…

    it’s the people now that these moneymongers cheat…
    stealing from small honest pay to constitutional rights…
    through duped crooked ways that rich politicians accept…
    it harbors mafia-type tendancies to strong-arm with fright!…

    “we’ve created enough information to charge you with terror!…
    unless you do as we say to become our spy!” said the feds…
    “with manipulated records and brainwashing mainstream…
    we have sealed your fate by this choice for your head!”…

    (here lies the future of america’s parents and children?…
    they will raise sons and daughters to serve rich iniquities?…
    “so please don’t think for yourself child nor work for the truth!…
    as life in the hands of corporate masters can buy your captivity!”)…


    (and elsewhere too)…

    how does an executive or legislative or judicial mind work?…
    with a thought-base more enriched by full illusion than truth…
    those false-drawn determinations breed ill-conceived legalities…
    that misguide our nation while true contemplation goes unused!…

    how shall a country heal itself since mentalities sit so unchanged?…
    it depends on others who care enough to steer it back on course…
    truth now needs to be brought to light so ways can be rectified…
    and hindering it only further feeds that malfunctioning source!…


too much humanly control out-of-touch...

in an age taken over by make-believe thinking...
where so-called reality involves pretending to be...
while human control loses more sight of true worth...
the real value we need comes from those who still see!...


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