(from among some)...
"in congress... july 4 1776...
the unanimous declaration of...
the thirteen united states of america"...
(and on beyond comes)...
...on a fourth of july in seventy-six...
...thirteen young colonies broke away from the brits...
...their continental congress adopted independence...
proclaiming... "when in the course of human events"...
...through compelling methods left unto men's hands...
"it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands"...
...by revolt cutting ties to that overseas mother...
"which have connected them with another"...
...hence early states shall be given new birth...
"and to assume among the powers of the earth"...
...vowing to those both the poor and the rich...
"the separate and equal station to which"...
...a conscience of liberty is deeded wherein...
"the laws of nature and of nature's god entitle them"...
...in giving freedom of thought a home's open mind...
"a decent respect to the opinions of mankind"...
...as publicly made so all be aware...
"requires that they should declare"...
...those reasons behind the states' liberation...
"the causes which impel them to the separation"...
...that man's awareness is justly meant...
"we hold these truths to be self-evident"...
...let our account set about its sequel...
"that all men are created equal"...
...through references being related before...
"that they are endowed by their creator"...
...as is our accord under this light...
"with certain unalienable rights"...
...of inborn standards in so far...
"that among these are"...
...opportunity bearing to have full bequest...
"life... liberty... and the pursuit of happiness"...
...furthered by procurement's plight...
"that to secure these rights"...
...representation's arrangement begins and...
"governments are instituted among men"...
...with fair play replacing oppressive old sovereign...
"deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"...
...as previous leaders raised devastation within...
"that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends"...
...then since its embodiment must ensure things stay fit...
"it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it"...
...reconstructively necessitating earnest attempts...
"and to institute new government"...
...whose support helps well being for one and all...
"laying its foundation on such principles"...
...of enacting a working plan up from that core...
"and organizing its powers in such form"...
...for each action's outcome to reflect basic interests...
"as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness"...
...since careful consideration subsequently rehashes...
"prudence indeed will dictate that governments long established"...
...can't waste transformation on trivial loss as...
"should not be changed for light and transient causes"...
...hence history's clear hindsight makes it well known...
"and accordingly all experience hath shown"...
...ill ways garner gain when heavily readily touchable...
"that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable"...
...through rather less doing of what has to be done...
"than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed"...
...as also its process while checking those stations...
"but when a long train of abuses and usurpations"...
...headed downhill around neck and neck...
"pursuing invariably the same object"...
...leaving commonweal ailing from some tyrant's favoritism...
"evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism"...
...the public good must use their scrutiny...
"it is their right... it is their duty"...
...through efforts against blatant mismanagement...
"to throw off such government"...
...with protection to shield from ill-willed impurities...
"and to provide new guards for their future security"...
...as ailing distress must overcome hardship solidly...
"such has been the patient suffrance of these colonies"...
...for it needs to be dealt with inevitably...
"and such is now the necessity"...
...in proceeding to eliminate reign's unjust intent...
" which constrains them to alter their former systems of government"...
...where a legacy left by the crown is now written...
"the history of the present king of great britain"...
...lording his power without rightful validations...
"is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations"...
...relying on injustice to collect...
"all having in direct object"...
...a goal of overbearing control of america's fate...
"the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states"...
...hence so nothing is amiss...
"to prove this"...
...this record exposes these details unfurled...
"let facts be submitted to a candid world"!...
(as hence they were!)...
(here's to armies
their warplanes
into uni-re-versed cropdusters...
self-helpful processes...
of base-level eye-opening contemplation...
rather than
thought-up products of...
death and destruction...