another mayor affair…
that boss of los angeles currently serves as a president…
of the united states conference of mayors…
an organization quite fond of its fine corporate tie-ins…
gives an “occupied” city’s government a call or questionnaire…
its business council consists of greedy wall street associates…
from bank of america… to morgan chase… and g.e…
more than one hundred companies pay thousands due annually…
leaving conflicts-of-interest evicting protest assemblies!…
a spotlight’s diversion…
what spotlight shines so bright it blocks?…
widespread woe when attentions span!…
that painful flame of havoc wreaked!…
by corporate greed upon this land!…
oath of office profits…
after taking those supposedly law-binding oaths…
upholding the constitution of a people and country…
officials quickly personalize their own office space…
installing back-door passageways to wall street!…
(as presidencies weaken many conflicts-of-interest…
prior violations become the current way of business!)…
whenever monetary value must fill basic human needs…
it takes stricter supervision to keep it far enough from greed!…
bootleg divergencies…
while occupy’s declaration states peaceable assembly…
violent counterfeit substitutes become new bootleg acts…
still history recalls some similar courses and divergencies…
when common good’s groundwork withstood flawed copycats!…
corporate pawn chop shop…
corporate holdings now sit as a parent company of our government…
with purchase power ensuring its political products shall dominate…
it bought up both major parties and still uses those brand names…
banking on leaders’ weak constitutions for a way to overtake!…