
  • humans express...

    up humans' express...
    near a caring exchange...
    stands a helpfulness exit...
    heading straight to sustain...

    it detours past bottlenecks...
    to support basic needs...
    doing all that it can...
    to finish its deed...

    it shoulders the work...
    of many heartfelt attempts...
    becoming part of life’s crew...
    who tries hard for betterment...

    it must stomach all unfairness...
    from big shots ' harmful ways...
    and overcome those forces...
    then drain the ir barricades...

    its motion goes forward...
    on legs of progression...
    representing the truth...
    with real expression...

    knee-deep in life...
    joining together...
    virtue renewed...
    arising hither...

    stepping ahead...
    in common bonds...
    with unselfish footing...
    people's well-being lives on!...


    around did...

    follow the big bouncing ball!...
    watch how it pumps up then falls...
    bumping its citizens into dead walls...
    enthralling officials with lucrative halls...
    stalling when rolling for crucial recalls...
    jumping aboard under unfitting laws...
    dumping a country in illegal jaws...
    follow the big bouncing ball!...


    or bounce back to our natural sphere!...
    see fair and square ways volunteer...
    let heartfelt endeavors persevere...
    reset values to enspirit sincere...
    feel its basic well-being adhere...
    free thought for the head to clear...
    get a better conscience to reappear...
    and bounce back to our natural sphere!...


    care-lesser fan-fare...

    what kind of faraway giant storage bin...
    can a man use to ditch his conscience in...
    so his harm and waste and destruction...
    will no t mean enough to bother him!...

    and what sort of pretentious coercion ...
    can another man stay amply engaged in...
    so his own voice or choice of reaction...
    helps a lack - of - conscience to win!...


    a way with...

    so many places where footsteps left their traces long ago...
    now lay wiped out ‘neath greed’s cold lifeless shadows...
    from pre-packed manufactured feelings and notions...
    outcomes devour our homes minds and motions!...

    still the core of our being and being human born...
    gives us ongoing chances to re-learn and transform...
    as our mindsets refreshen to move back to life’s basis...
    of footwork on earth in common goodness that saves us!...


    sequel’s bequeathal...

    “here lays my only awakening to read...
    in these words from my heart you’ll see...
    for buying into illusion’s greedy schemes...
    more life dies worse now due partly to me!”...

    (his last will and testament left us its best...
    the most treasured goods he’d known...
    as final breaths drew up his bequest...
    of truth etched on a shiny stone!)...


    thought-controlled control freaks...

    it’s a world filled with unseen control freaks...
    who lost their ability to clearly think on their own...
    who want others dumb too and more folks to succumb...
    as mastery bids to subdue most truth or justice that’s shown!...


    the slow death of direct representation...

    regardless of where all these changes fall...
    whether ballots or votes or convention laws...
    the bottom line they steal away from our nation...
    is a government that runs by direct representation!...


    keep’s sake...

    greed jumped on quick chances to feed itself well...
    as concepts of trading put substitutions in place...
    soon the value of real things equalled illusion...
    raising worth’s fabricated equivalent pace!...

    this make-believe system grew preditorily rich...
    for it drew more in accordingly under its force...
    existence’s assessment got falsely rigged...
    to fake accounts down a failing course!...

    with such ways so ingrained into everyday living...
    needed change may seem too much to make...
    profiteers bank upon fears of not knowing...
    influencing humans for big shots’ sake!...

    awareness stands ready to stir up our beings...
    and tho’ brainwashers hope all stay asleep...
    with each realization we'll slowly awaken...
    to see it’ll be all up to us for our keep!...


    from children...

    “oh please!...
    stop killing us!...
    we’re just children!...
    you killed the others!...
    you killed our mother!...
    you killed our father!...
    and then our sister!...
    and our brother!...
    and for what?!...
    our family’s dead!...
    you blew them apart!...
    our father’s smart head!...
    our mother’s sweet heart!...
    all they did was work hard!...
    our father plowed the fields!...
    our mother cooked our food!...
    sister’s wounds had healed!...
    and brother’s pigeon cooed!...
    now they’re dead and gone!...
    and it’s all because of you!...
    why do you kill like this?!...
    we don’t even know you!...
    but you still kill us dead!...
    yes this is what you do!...
    so what is life to you?!...
    even we know better!...
    than to be like you!...
    stop what you do!...
    stop killing us!...
    you did enough!...
    you killed so much!...
    just stay away from us!”...


    they’ll do it ‘til we care enough to cut loose from their clutch...

    democrat and republican operations run under one corporate crew...
    whose products and services cost us so dearly for worsening too!...
    (brainwashing us into mainstream fan clubs where fallacy rules...
    they drain our common nation of its liberties and valuables!)...
    using greedier bold high actions that mostly backfire on us...
    they’ll do it ‘til we care enough to cut loose from their clutch!...


    leaders’ erroneous efforts...

    there stand no harmful wrongdoing allegations so great...
    that warrant impairing parts of our constitutional base...
    as those whose efforts would weaken due process...
    could erroneously diminish fair’n’just lawfulness!...


    directional lines in his mind...

    he took a look at speedy inputs...
    weaving through his mind...
    a neighbor’s opinion...
    mainstream’s dominion...
    and other movements inside...

    advertisements running wild...
    invading full recognition...
    like squatters’ rights...
    prevailing where insight...
    previously lived with intuition...

    floods of feigned consensuses...
    choking out contemplation...
    downpours obliterating...
    hurried surges eliminating...
    well-grounded considerations...

    intelligence relaxing in comfort...
    disbanding laborious chores...
    automatic remembrances...
    as packs stacked at entrances...
    keep raw thought from doing more...

    glances of pure truth passing inside...
    imminently ready to radiate...
    up through an opening...
    where a moment isn’t closing...
    to share its enlightening wise trait...

    a conscience on call within beckoning...
    all set to release plain uneasiness...
    and alert with its warning...
    questionable courses forming...
    when inequity takes over reasonableness...

    he took a look at speedy inputs...
    weaving through his mind...
    the awareness it brought...
    and self-realization it taught...
    gave his thinking new insights to find!...


    layers of unfairness beating upon the gaza strip...

    let pairs of eyes wear bias lenses filled with insensibility...
    they might not view this inhumane treatment as an iniquity...
    watching them keep overpowering fellow humans so unfairly...
    shows how much they lack in their own capacity to see clearly!...

    hence when others go along with thes e merciless wrongdoings...
    it’s more shortsighted culprits of the same weakness accruing...
    which not only broaden reprehensible culpabilities ensuing...
    but also help to propel similar fated tendencies brewing!...


    • corporate-colony tourways…

      “all aboard for our corporate-colony tours!”…
      cries a guide at the coachline’s great station…
      custom-fit passenger cars tailored for classes…
      dangle on rails greased with slick destinations!…

      business-pawn college-trained brisk engineers…
      so proficiently railroad folks away from the truth…
      onto con-artistry’s easy-fold scenery instead…
      steering clear of those gloomy side routes!…

      from penniless pockets to higher-up change…
      through pecking order’s mindsets or otherwise…
      the poor and middle class and misfortune’s clan…
      cram into group rates for corporate-colony’s ride!…

      folks pass their time over views at these windows…
      while coachline directors hide grins beneath chins…
      for as long as the people remain where they are…
      things stay the same and new tours will begin!…


    • this in honor of christ’s path!…

      and those who join with him!)…


      wall street trinity’s money-changer iniquities ?…

      it’s sad how the money-changers in christ’s time…
      left profitable schemes for religious business today…
      and sadder still as these types so comfortably define…
      their unchristlike behavior that keeps avoiding his way!…



      corporatism relies on numbers games…
      and the illusions they’re based on…
      and uses them for an influence…
      to re-shape considerations!…


    another mayor affair…

    that boss of los angeles currently serves as a president…
    of the united states conference of mayors…
    an organization quite fond of its fine corporate tie-ins…
    gives an “occupied” city’s government a call or questionnaire…

    its business council consists of greedy wall street associates…
    from bank of america… to morgan chase… and g.e…
    more than one hundred companies pay thousands due annually…
    leaving conflicts-of-interest evicting protest assemblies!…


    a spotlight’s diversion…

    what spotlight shines so bright it blocks?…
    widespread woe when attentions span!…
    that painful flame of havoc wreaked!…
    by corporate greed upon this land!…


    oath of office profits…

    after taking those supposedly law-binding oaths…
    upholding the constitution of a people and country…
    officials quickly personalize their own office space…
    installing back-door passageways to wall street!…

    (as presidencies weaken many conflicts-of-interest…
    prior violations become the current way of business!)…

    whenever monetary value must fill basic human needs…
    it takes stricter supervision to keep it far enough from greed!…


    bootleg divergencies…

    while occupy’s declaration states peaceable assembly…
    violent counterfeit substitutes become new bootleg acts…
    still history recalls some similar courses and divergencies…
    when common good’s groundwork withstood flawed copycats!…


        corporate pawn chop shop…

        corporate holdings now sit as a parent company of our government…
        with purchase power ensuring its political products shall dominate…
        it bought up both major parties and still uses those brand names…
        banking on leaders’ weak constitutions for a way to overtake!…


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